Sunday 25 July 2010

Lazy Weekend

Haven't done much this weekend.
Da Hubs is working super hard as he is in the last wee bit of a project so I have been left to my own devices.

We did go out on Friday night. We went to see Masters of the Universe at The Astor. So funny to see it on a big screen and with a fun crowd. Lots of cheering and laughing throughout the movie especially at He-Man and his wonderfully wooden acting.

Saturday was just hanging in the flat, feeding Da Hubs when he was hungry and messing around on the laptop, watching TV and tidying up the flat a bit.

Today, I went out and cycled round Albert Park Lake. Took some photos for facebook while i was out so I could update for folk back home. And hopefully I will be on Skype with one of my best friends later tonight.

Next weekend we are going to be out and about all weekend making up for lost time. Da Hubs needs to pick up some computer bits and bobs, i'll be going to the gym and if it's nice we will probably go out on the bikes. There's still the Tim Burton exhibition to go to. Plus The Astor is showing Alice in Wonderland and Toy Story 3 on Friday night.

Sunday 18 July 2010

I'm a bad blogger.

So a lot has changed in the last few months.
We have made the move to Melbourne, found a flat, had all our belongings arrive, both started new jobs, made friends and started planning our life here.
Life here is so much more fulfilling.

The move was scarily easy. We had signed a lease on a flat within a week of arriving and the day after we had the keys all our new furniture was delivered. It is in such a great spot with trams, shops, cafes and bars all round and only 5 minutes walk from the beach.

Da Hubs started his new job and i was madly job hunting. Which meant i accepted a role within 4 weeks of landing in Australia. My boss is Scottish, the team is young, multinational and really good fun.

Our shipped belongings arrived a within 2 months of our arrival which meant we could really settle in. Which was handy cause i was already sick of my limited wardrobe.

We have both made friends with people from our jobs, and through them are meeting more and more people who we are having great fun with. People here are so willing to accept newcomers.

We have bought bikes and joined gyms, found a brilliant little picture house, been to a footy match, visited the zoo and seen some of the many markets around town. The options for eating out are fantastic and we are slowly getting used to the different food in the supermarkets.

We are so happy and settled already. I feel more at home here than I did for the last two years in the UK.

Now I just have to figure out how to do our tax returns and fit in some training for the half marathon i'm entered in. Oh and plan Christmas dinner for next weekend.