Friday 4 December 2009


Okay so I am kind of nervous and kind of excited.

Da Hubs has a 3rd stage interview for a new job next week - in Australia!
This is the final stage and if he gets the offer the company will sponsor him for a visa which makes it easier.

So just got to wait and see how it goes, but in the meantime we have to try and find out as much as possible about how to get organised in life over there just in case.
I think if he is offered the job it will all happen very fast, and there is sooooo much to think about. Getting the visa processed and approved, flights, packing our entire life, leaving behind all our family and friends, deciding what to actually take with us, sorting out somewhere to live once we get there, health insurance, tax rules, pension stuff. It is all very confusing.

I feel a bit like life is on hold at the moment. For example we want to buy a food processor/blender this weekend, but should we bother, or should we wait until we find out if we are moving over 10,000 miles away?

I am really not happy at work and desperately want to leave, but don't see the point in applying for jobs if we could be moving in a few months.

If he gets the job I will be delighted to get a fresh start because:
-I do not enjoy my job.
-We have no friends where we live
-We have no social life
-I have no money to go do anything eg shopping, gym, join clubs
-Our health has been terrible for the last few months, i think because we are both stagnating
-I can feel myself drifting towards depression again, because of all of the above.

I am scared that I am getting too excited about this potential change, and pinning all my hopes for an improved life on it. I need to be able to improve my life where I am and by myself. I cannot rely on Da Hubs to fix what I am not happy with, cause I am soooo happy with him and he does not need that pressure. He is the one thing in my life right now that I am happy and settled about. He is the one thing I do not want to change.

Tuesday 1 December 2009


Yay! one of my former roomies just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy today! It's her second.
She was told years ago that it would be very difficult if not impossible for her to get pregnant, so I am especially pleased that she and her husband have been able to have their much wanted family.
Lots of positive thoughts for little Brodie so he may have a happy and healthy life.