Thursday 20 August 2009


I am very disappointed in the decision to release Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, the only person convicted for the Lockerbie bombing. He has been released on compassionate grounds.
If someone can show no compassion and kill over 250 people then they do not deserve to be released from the prison sentance for that crime, and sent home to their native country to die.

Monday 17 August 2009


I hate spiders.

When i see one i scream and jump and run for Da Hubs. He is not their biggest fan, but he will get rid of them for me, mostly by my preferred method of squishing, but occasionally by taking them outside.

But the ones we have been having this weekend are just not funny. After internet research we think they are house spiders. Doesn't sound too bad you may think.

NO! they are friggin HUGE!!!!! Seriously they are about 10 cm across, and that's with the legs bent, not stretched out. I really did not think that spiders came that big in the UK.

We can't figure out where they are coming from, just too many options, but we have had 2 in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. I almost touched 2 of them by accident. We just keep hoping that there will be no more. But we jump whenever something moves in the corner of our eyeline. And we sort of poke things before lifting them, and scan a room before entering. This has been a very stressful weekend.

Kind of surprised that the neighbours haven't called the police, cause it must sound like I am being pretty badly hurt whenever we find a new one.

Thursday 13 August 2009


I have decided to start a new fitness regime - again. I have cancelled my gym membership as I just wasn't going, I think because I had to haul my kit all the way to work and back to go after work.

So I bought a book, "The Official British Army Fitness Guide", and i am going to try and follow it over the next few months. It obviously tells you how the Army gets their soldiers fit, and it does not need a full gym or very much equipment at all. Uses a lot of personal body weight as the resistence. They give you full instructions on how to do the exercises, and a warm up and cool down programme, then 3 levels of full exercise programmes which take 12 weeks each. I am so starting on the easiest level. Apparently by the end of the 3rd level you are at the same level as a trained soldier.

It may take me longer than the 36 weeks to get there. I tried some of the tests they suggest to check your fitness level before beginning. 1 of them was as many press ups as possible in 2 minutes, rests in between are fine. So 25 press ups later and I am totally done in. And today I am in pain. Sore arms, sore shoulders and even sore down my sides. This is just a test?! how the heck am I going to manage the whole programme?

Today I wore my pedometer to work to see how much exercise I am getting daily. Just walking to the station, between trains and then to the office took me to over 3500 steps. Pretty good. it also tells me that is approx 2.6km, and I burned 233 calories. Not sure if it can tell the difference of walking up hill cause I must use more energy going up that evil hill on the way home from work.

Tonight I have to try and complete the tests, as many sit ups in 2 minutes and a 2.4km run. Wonder if I will survive?

Monday 3 August 2009


I think I have broken another toe!
Did it yesterday afternoon, just whacked it off the side of the shower, and it is still sore and cannot bend properly. This is something I do on a regular basis and it never teaches me. I think I have broken all my toes at some point in my life, and some more than once :)
Such a klutz!