Tuesday 30 June 2009


Now that we are into the new flat & settled down and have all the wedding stuff out of the way (except a few Thank You notes) I need to find something to fill my time.
There are a few obvious options: a new hobby, a new skill (Portuguese? / IT?) or some volunteer work. Something that would get me out and meeting new people so I can make some friends here would be great.
I know there is a Portuguese evening class starting in September locally, so I will look into joining that. I should also pick up a book to help me with stuff like excel and powerpoint so I can improve my CV.
Then there is Roteract Club for young professionals which could be fun. They do charity work and act as a sort of social club. Their website has lots of activities on it and they certainly seem to have fun.
So I just need to find a hobby. I am not musical, not sporty, cannot draw or paint to save my life and really am not at all techy. The flat is quite small so equipment/supplies needs to be compact. Suggestions would be good from anyone who happens to read this.

Monday 29 June 2009


Yay! I got the right wire first try. TV was back on and working by 5pm on Saturday. Only cost £4.99, so saved £55 by refusing to let Hubs book a Sky engineer.

Friday 26 June 2009


WHY?????? does it take Sky 2 weeks to connect our internet? Having to use the internet at work and it is such a pain.
And they wanted to charge us £60 for a guy to come and plug in our sky box. So now I have to go find a stupid wire at the weekend, hope I get the right one and it works so we can have tv back.
Okay, moan over. :)


My brother is coming to stay for a few days, should be arriving this evening. He is on his way south for a course for work, and he likes to stop in to visit us whenever he comes down. I think I see more of him now than when we lived half an hour from each other. He will be our first guest in the new flat, and gets to try out the air mattress for us.
Hubs is going to a concert on Saturday, so my bro and i will probably go shopping for the flat. We need a few things, like an ironing board, which would be tricky to get home without a car. Thank you Big Bro.


I am going to start a blog.