Monday 8 March 2010


On Friday we got an email asking us to send over a copy of Da Hubs uni certificate for the Visa application. Sent it within minutes, thank goodness we scanned it before our scanner died. Our agent said it should be a fairly quick decision once the immigration people had it.
It would have been with them for 1st thing their Monday morning, but it is a Public Holiday in Australia. So we did not expect to hear anything until Tuesday.


We got an email today.
We have our VISAS!!!!!!!

So it is official, we are legally allowed to move to Australia to live for 4 years from today as long as Da Hubs stays working for his new employer.

We will be getting on a plane on Tuesday 6th April, flying to Hong Kong for a stopoff of a couple hours, then onwards to Melbourne. By the end of Wednesday 7th April we will be in a lovely guesthouse/hostel place in central Melbourne.

So all systems go with finalising details and getting organised in time for the move.

Can't believe it is real after all this time.

Friday 5 March 2010


Well the xrays arrived and seem to be fine.
They have just today asked for copies of education certificates, and then our agent chap thinks it could be a very quick decision. Da Hubs sent the certificates off today already, so Aus immigration will have them 1st thing their Monday morning. Fingers Crossed!!!!!

A chap from our preferred shipping company should be at the flat today to give us an accurate estimate. So fingers crossed that is positive for us.

Had a visit to Lisbon to see the inlaws which was much smoother than expected. Just got my parentals next weekend and visiting with our friends in Edinburgh.

We have both handed in our notice at work, and we have had people round to view the flat who seemed really keen. Will feel less guilty if the landlord gets someone in straight away to replace us.

Sent my wedding dress off at long last to be cleaned and boxed up. I have been meaning to do it since June last year. It is very expensive, but hopefully worth it.

Our shiny new laptop arrived from Dell yesterday. It is very pretty, thin and light. I am very happy with my new toy. Think it will become mine eventually, and leave Da Hubs with his HUGE desktop and 2 screens.

Oh I still feel queasy at the thought that we are wrapping up our life here, before we have even got the visa to allow our new life to start. We could suddenly have just a few weeks to find new jobs and a home if the visa is denied. We have spent so much money already, and will have to spend more before we maybe get the visa.

I sooooo hope it all works out.